Supported phones:
- Platform SE DB2010: j300, k300, k310, k500, f500, k508, k510, k700, k750, s700, s710, w300, w550, w600, w700, w800, w810, z500, z520, z525, z530, z550
- Platform SE DB2000: k600, v600, k608, w900, z800, v800, z1010
- Platform SE DB2012: k320, w200, k310 cid50, k510 cid50
- Platform SE DB2020: k530, k550, k610, k618, v630, k770, k790, k800, k810, k818, s500, t650, w580, w610, w660, w710, w830, w850, w880, w888, z610, z710
- Platform SE PNX5230: w350, w380, z310, z555
- Platform SE A2/DB3150: c702, c902, g502, k630, v640, k660, k850, t700, w595, w760, w890, w902, w910, z750, z770, z780
- Platform SE DB3210: c510, c901, c903, c905, g705, w705, w715, w995,
- Platform SE ODM Semc: f305, j110, j120, j132, j220, j230, k200, k220, k330, r300, r306, s302, s312, t250, t270, t280, t303, w302, w395, z250, z300, z320
- Platform LG A2: cf360, cf750, kf750, kf755, kf757, kt520, kt525, ks500, ku580, tu750
- Platform LG3G U-series: 8110, 8120, 8130, 8138, 8180, 8330, 8360, 8380, 8550
- Platform Sagem A2: my730c, my750x, my850c,
- Platform Sharp3G: 801sh, 802sh, 902sh, 703sh, 903sh
- Platform PDA: g700, g900, m600, p990, p1, w950, w960
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Service Features for new SEMC-phones:
– Direct unlock operator/subest-provider lock.
– Clear or read user-lock/code.
– Repair software faults so as »Configuration error. Please contact your network operator or service centre ».
– Write custom language-packs and upload SFA (Signed File Archive).
– Change languagepack and software customization.
– Read backup of GDFS zones for all parameters »e.g. security-zone, battery-paramter, calibration, et.c ».
– Write GDFS zone to all parameters »e.g. security-zone, battery-paramter, calibration, et. ».
– Change CID number and revision, which will allow you use the original SonyEricsson upgrade service.
– Changing color of RSA certificate – allows you to convert developer phones to accept retailed firmwares.
– Enable/Disable camera shutter sound.
– Change bandlock settings, possibiity to enable GSM1800 MHz on UMTS phones.
– Repair prevent accidentaly damaged GDFS zones.
– Reset air time, reset total call time, reset life time & joystick counter.
– Read file system (FS) »e.g. listdir, listfiles, ».
– Emptyboard filling which allows you to fill OTP IMEI area.
– Decustomize branded firmwares on developer/retail phones.
– Convert V800/V802SE to Z800i, phone will be totally decustomized »Unbranded version, NO Vodafone ».
– Write and replace custom files in file system (FS) directory »e.g. mp3, pictures, tones, change SMS tones, et.c ».
– Write almost any combination of languages and T9 dictionaries. V800/V802SE EROM repair.
– Full support for OTP CID’s: 16/29/36. Fast USB-flashing support, fully compatible with »e.g, Fighter SE USB cable, »
– Compatible with SarasBoxes, T28-serial cable.
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